Nadi Lane Apiary
Only Our Bees Only Our Honey
Location: North Maleny (north east of the main village)
Food Miles: <1km from our Honey House
Hives: 50 to 80 + seasonal queen bee mating nucs.
Main Forage: Guioa, Lilypilly, Blue Quandong, Water Gum, Blueberry Ash, White Cedar, Blue Cherry, Pink Ash, Pink-flowered Native Raspberry, Blackberry, Small-leaf Privet.
The 3km radius / 3000 hectares foraged by our bees from our home base Nadi Lane apiary.
Our home apiary is located on our 15-acre pollinator sanctuary at North Maleny. We have three different sites spread across the property, including our seasonal queen bee breeding and mating apiary.
Just three kilometres from the main street of Maleny, we are positioned on the slopes of the steep valley carved by the Obi Obi creek. The creek is lined with towering basalt columns resulting from the ancient lava flows, which are the source of our deep and opulently fertile volcanic topsoils.
The valley and creek support a richly biodiverse rainforest with many floral species providing important nectar flows throughout the year. Spring is heralded by Guioa's (Guioa semiglauca) flowering , which can produce copious amounts of nectar and honey with a mild minty aftertaste. Lilypillies and Blue Quandongs provide late Autumn forage.
Nadi Lane is also home to our pollinator sanctuary, a planting of over 10,000 pollinator-beneficial trees. The reforestation project began in 2014 and currently contains over 75 endemic species supplementing more than 550 native plant species within the 3000 hectare flight zone of our bees.

A bees-eye view of our main Nadi lane apiary site and a fly over of Stages 2,3 and 4 of our pollinator sanctuary plantings.