Flaxton Dulong Apiary

Only Our Bees Only Our Honey

Location: Flaxton
Food Miles: 25km from our Honey House
Hives: 20
Main Forage: 

The 3km radius / 3000 hectares foraged by our bees from our Flaxton Dulong apiary.

Our Dulong apiary is located on a private farmstead within the flying range of Mapleton to the north and Montville to the south. Our bees at this secluded site forage the extensive Land for Wildlife revegetation riparian zone along the creek running through this property and the ample ground flora and established eucalypts in the area.

Explore Our Apiaries

Exceptional seasonal Honey
from the biodiverse rainforests
orchards & gardens of
Maleny & the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

Hinterland Bees are proud Sunshine Coast beekeepers. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of Jinibara country, their heritage and ongoing connection to country. We pay respect to elders, past, present and emerging. We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.